Guest Blog:
How to Combine a Children's Room with a Study Room: 3 Basic Rules

Jul 19, 2023by Guest Blogger

Caring parents often wonder what the design of a children's room should be to increase motivation to study but not deprive the kids of their childhood. And that makes sense since students will do their homework faster and more enthusiastically in a room with a properly equipped and beautiful study area. If you want to ensure that, read the three basic rules for combining a children's room with a study room, and then try their effectiveness in practice.

kids study area

The Perfect Children's Room: Everything is in Your Hands

The beginning of the school year or perhaps a new year can be an excellent occasion for joy and pleasant updates, including a change in the interior of the children's room. So, what should you do to create the perfect space that will grow simultaneously with your child?

kids bedroom decor

  • Don't be afraid to demonstrate progressive views on design.

  • Remember that children's tastes (especially teenagers) change quickly. Thus, in the process of developing a design project, don't forget about the golden rule: For the basic things (bed, wardrobe, desk), choose a simple design and high quality, but with the details of the environment (textiles, lamps, posters) you can experiment as your heart desires, or rather your kid's heart.

  • Buy school furniture together with your child. Find a compromise between what the need-to-have and the like-to-have.

One thing remains constant: regardless of how the interior trends change, the approach to decorating a room for schoolchildren requires simple rules. One is dividing the space into zones, which we'll discuss further in this article.

Number 1 Rule: Zone a Room

So in this section, you will find valuable recommendations and ideas on how to zone a child's room so that your kid will have enough space for studying and resting. 

Study Area

kids doing homework

When a child sits down to do homework, their focus should be only on their assignment — no extraneous stimuli. The best solution is to equip a study area with a large desk, shelf and rack for books, and a comfortable chair with a backrest.

Sleeping Area

Design your child's sleeping area with a theme they love against a background of a neutral color scheme (for example, light gray). This way you can change the bedding or artwork easily as they grow and their tastes change.

Play Area

kids playing

If you think the taste for minimalism should be brought up in childhood, decorate a children's room with a desk without legs fixed to the wall. It will significantly increase the play area and be a boon for a small space. To avoid an internal kid's conflict between "I must" and "I want," the play and study area should be divided softly and discreetly. For example, if you pick up workplace creative furniture and unusual accessories, then your child will do their homework with more motivation.

Number 2 Rule: Choose the Right Furniture

A child's room should be like a fairytale. But when decorating, you must ensure you don't overdo it. But the most crucial question here is choosing the right furniture. What should it be so that it doesn't harm the children's health? You can learn that below.

Desk and Chair for Study Area

kid doing homework

What is the right way for a student to sit at a desk? Doctors recommend sitting up straight and not leaning forward toward the computer. So if you don't want your child to have back problems, buy a desk and chair according to your kid's height. Regarding the size of such furniture, these are important guidelines to follow:
  • The edge of the desk should be precisely at the level of the person sitting. In doing so, the legs stand at a right angle, and the knees don't prop up the desktop from below;
  • The optimal depth of the table in the room of a schoolchild is 60-90 cm, width is 120-170 cm;
  • A child's chair should have a backrest that doesn't deflect backward when pressed.

Bed for Sleeping Area

The bed and mattress should be comfortable for sound and healthy sleep. Therefore, it's better to forever forget about purchasing a sofa bed for a child's room. No folding model will provide a flat surface for the spine. Thinking through options for a children's room, parents need to give a dense bed mattress, a flat pillow not more comprehensive than a child's shoulder, and bed linen made of natural fabric washed with baby washing powder.

girls glitter ombre bedding set

Number 3 Rule: Take Care of the Lighting

The quality of the learning space depends directly on the child's health. One of the main parameters in the organization of the study area is room lighting. When pupils have difficulty seeing, they can't see numbers and letters enough and make mistakes. In addition, constant strain on the eyes and increased pressure on them (computer, TV, reading) leads to rapid fatigue.

As a result, the child begins to learn worse. To maintain a kid's normal vision, use three types of lighting: natural, general, and local. Also, the room should be well-lit. To do this, place the desk near a window, so the light falls from the left side. In addition, increased daylighting is possible by using glossy white as the primary color in the decoration.

Functional areas are visually highlighted by artificial light. On the ceiling, you can hang a chandelier or adjustable spotlights, and above the bed — sconces equipped with a resistor switch to adjust the brightness of the light. Moreover, you can get good lighting due to table LED light or spot halogen bulbs built into the bottom of the hinged shelf.

LED lights


So in this article, you've learned the basic rules for shaping the perfect children’s room where your kid can learn, play, and relax equally effectively. Zoning the space and choosing the right furniture and lighting for the room will help you. Moreover, thoughtful interior design planning will educate the child about proper habits and a sense of taste. 

About The Author:


Guest Blogger Rose Morrison

Kristen Bray is a professional writer and blogger supporting Trust My Paper writing service and Best Writers Online, one of the best writing services review websites. She mainly covers topics such as blogging, digital marketing, and self-education. In her free time, she practices yoga and also travels.

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