Guest Blog: 7 Tips for Designing a Pet-Friendly House
Millions of people around the world open their home to a pet. Dogs are the most popular roommate, but cats are sneaking up on the canines, aiming to knock them out of the top spot.
Unless your pet is a fish or other animal living in an enclosure within your house, there are precautions that must be taken before your pet is allowed to roam freely when you’re not home.
Cohabitating with a Furry Friend
Pets bring companionship and loyalty into our lives. Cats are more aloof with their adoration, but your dog will be waiting with a wagging tail anytime you come in the door, even from the next room.
Dogs and cats are curious about their surroundings. They can often find themselves in trouble by eating or playing with objects around the house that are dangerous. One responsibility of a pet owner is to keep pets safe from their own curiosity.
Of course, homeowners also want to keep their homes in good condition. What can pet owners do to make their pets feel at home while also keeping the house orderly for visitors?
7 Things to Make Your House Pet-Friendly
Whether you’re building a new home or renting, there are things to consider before getting a new pet. Here are 7 ways to make your home pet-friendly.
1. Stain-resistant Flooring
Pets are messy, especially if they are puppies or rescues just learning to potty train. Dogs are also likely to track in mud and dirt from outdoors. Stain-resistant flooring can make the floors easier to clean and keep odors at bay.
2. Slip Hazards for Older Pets
Older dogs (and cats) are prone to slipping on linoleum or other types of sleek flooring. Well-placed rugs or kitchen runners can help prevent your pet from slipping and injuring themselves or becoming fearful of certain areas of the home after a fall.
3. Where will the Cat Litter Box Go?
Humans put their toilets behind doors, so it’s no surprise that cat litter boxes are usually hidden within the home, too. Deciding where the litter box will go is important if you’re building your own home because you have the opportunity to build in a nook or cranny for the litter box. Even if you rent, you can create a secluded space for your cat to do their business.
4. Give ‘Em a Perch
Cats love to sit in window sills and watch birds or the world go by. Dogs also enjoy it, but less quietly. If you live in close proximity to another home, it may not be a good idea to make the windows accessible to dogs, but a cat perch can keep your cat occupied and give them higher ground away from the dogs.
5. A Room of Their Own
Cats are solitary creatures, but they don’t need a huge space of their own. Dogs, on the other hand, are pack animals whose ancestors sought safety in dens. You can’t exactly build a den in your living room. A small crate for your dog to relax is the next best thing to a den.
6. Non-Toxic Plants Inside and Out
Many indoor and outdoor plants are toxic to dogs and cats. Lilies, poinsettias and aloe vera are just a few popular plants that are toxic for pets. Before you bring a plant into the house or your garden, check its toxicity level.
7. Keep Valuables Out of Reach
Cell phones, remote controls, and money are all things dogs have chewed at one time or another. Some dogs chew from boredom while others chew just because they can. Regardless of the reason, keeping your valuables out of your dog’s reach is why drawers were invented. If your dog chews it because you left it out, it’s your fault, not the dog's.
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