10 Handy Woodworking Hacks (Infographic)

Mar 14, 2018by Guest Blogger
Woodworking is a hobby for many, although even the most level-headed of us can occasionally have our patience tested by DIY projects. What’s not so obvious from the finished article is the level of work that went into creating the piece, or the challenges that may have been faced by the person making it.
An astute DIY enthusiast is likely to find or borrow a series of hacks that make the process considerably easier. Some clever tool modification, or substituting an unlikely item to great effect, can come in incredibly handy, especially when you hit a brick wall in attempting to proceed with the next phase of the project.
The guys at Crowe Sawmills put together this great infographic with 10 very effective woodworking hacks to help you in your next DIY project. I think you’ll agree that some of these improvisations are ingenious!
 10 Handy Woodworking Hacks Infographic

About the Author:

Alan Crowe is the owner of Crowe Sawmills, a timber merchant and fencing specialist in Ireland. He has been in charge of the family business for 10+ years and is renowned for his extremely high level of craftsmanship and attention to detail.

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