How to Keep Your Other Children From Becoming Jealous of the New Baby

Aug 9, 2024by Alana Peace

Bringing a new baby into the family is an exciting occasion! With that may also come its challenges. It's common for siblings to feel a range of emotions, like jealousy, when a new baby enters the family. With our tips you can help your older one feel included, important and teach them valuable emotional lessons they’ll carry with them throughout their life.

A Little Responsibility Goes a Long Way
Giving your older child a role to play with the baby will make them feel important and useful. Ask for their assistance with small tasks like opening gifts and toys, taking pictures, reading a story, singing songs or even putting on socks!

Spend Quality Time Together
Try and make time for you and your older one to have one-on-one time together. By acknowledging their feelings and spending time doing some of their favorite activities, you’re showing that you will always have time for them!

Avoid Comparisons
Instead of comparing things between your children, like milestones or favorite foods, try highlighting what makes them different. Let your older one know their strengths and what makes them special to continue showing how proud and impressed you are by their personalities and capabilities.

Keep Up Routines
Routines help children feel safe and secure. When your baby arrives be sure to stay on schedule so your older child doesn’t feel that everything is going to change with the addition of their younger sibling.

Model Empathy
When you’re older one starts to show a little jealousy toward the baby it’s important to show them how to be empathetic when he or she is making accomplishments. This is also a wonderful moment for teaching them how to be grateful for what they have and prepare them for these mature feelings.

In conclusion, by being mindful of your other children's feelings and keeping them involved, you can help prevent feelings of jealousy and take advantage of important teaching moments. Embrace this new chapter as an opportunity for growth, bonding, and creating lasting memories as a family!

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